Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A Visit to California

Hi Everyone,

Sorry I haven't blogged in a while.  I am here in California visiting with my daughter and her family.  I am having so much fun.  She home schools her daughters (Kristy 10 years old and Abby 7 years old) and I get to help.  It is so much fun.  We have been doing botany, reading, language, math, ocean science and history.  She has been reading Shakespeare to the girls.  Right now they are reading The Tempest.  On Thursday and Friday we are going on and overnight field trip.  We will be going to Santa Barbara to the Santa Barbara Mission and the Ty Warner Sea Center.  It will be a lot of fun.  Tomorrow we are going to Lopez Lake to check out the plants and do some art projects.  On Saturday we are going to the San Luis Obispo Botanical Gardens and taking a class on how to make candy from things found in the garden.  My granddaughters are getting a great education with not only book work but hands on experience.  They are also involved in 4-H raising rabbits and learning other home skills.  They also participate in several co-op classes.  Kristy right now is taking a sewing classes learning how to use a sewing machine.  Last she made an apron from scratch. Abby will make one this week.

Well I better go for now.


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